Masa yang ciput for my lil buddy

Selain daripada biarkan aliff ke depan ke belakang dan bermain seorang diri sambil ibu nonton TV, ada perkara yang lebih bermanfaat untuk ibu buat supaya Learning Process Aliff berterusan. Insya Allah, teruskan usaha mu ibu. Dan dedicate ini juga buat ibu-ibu gojes seluruh isi alam ini.

Helping your child learn

You can help your child by:

1. responding to his efforts and invitations as he plays and learns
- layan juga walaupun mata dah tertutup rapat. Zassss!

2. encouraging him to try new things, to make mistakes and to learn more about who he is through new experience
- jatuh kerusi dan katil tak apa, then bagitahu Aliff perlu turun perlahan-lahan

3. taking turns in games and activities
- Ajar Aliff tak perlu berebut mainan, berjuta lagi mainan yang lebih best dalam dunia ni

4. showing him how to deal with losing by playing games together and ‘modelling’ how to be a good loser
- belum cuba.

5. playing rhyming games, and shape and number games together
- Aliff's favourite!

6. using simple language and ‘playing’ with words and sounds (for example, animal noises)
- your baby will definitely loves this.

7. including the language of ‘time’ – ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘until’ – in your daily activities. For example, ‘First change your shoes, then play outside’
- will do :)

8. encouraging your child to listen to longer instructions. For example, ask him to bring two things from his room, then three things, then four things
- Sebelum ni dah cuba, memang dia buat dek je, insya Allah akan tabah ajar lagi benda ni.

9. limiting distractions – for example, turning off the TV while he plays on the floor
- sama juga Aliff selalu buat dek.

10. not overloading him with information – that is, give the simple explanation rather than the longwinded one

11. helping him discover what he’s good at by trying lots of different activities

12. showing an interest in his activities – for example, if he enjoys painting, ask him about his pictures and put them up around the house
- belum berani doh!.

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JuaNadiah 2013