Archive for 2009

meh sini kita renungi sama-sama

sekadar renungan bersama diambil dari

4 mesti dijaga

1. Teguh menjaga kehormatan 2. Redha menerima sedikit 3. Berbuat kebaikan setiap hari 4. Memelihara lidah

3 tingkatan sifat sabar

1. hamba yang berhenti mengeluh 2. sufi yang puas dengan apa yang dititahkan (ini adalah tingkatan asketis) 3. hamba yang mencintai apa saja yang dilakukan Tuhan terhadapnya (ini adalah tingkatan teman sejati Tuhan)

3 tingkatan Taubat

1. Taubat dari melakukan dosa maksiat spt minum arak, judi, zina dll. 2. Taubat dari penyakit hati seperti hasad dengki, ujub, sombong dll. 3. Taubat dari sifat lalai, leka, lagha dari mengingati Allah; ubatnya zikir, baca Quran dll

9 kemuliaan solat Tahajud

Dia dijaga oleh Allah daripada beberapa bencana. Berkat ketaatannya, akan nampak pada wajahnya. Dia disukai oleh hamba Allah yang soleh dan oleh semua manusia. Ucapannya mampu mengeluarkan kata-kata yang penuh hikmah. Diberi cepat mengerti dan mendapat ilmu pengetahuan. Dia dibangunkan dari kubur dengan wajah yang putih berseri. Diringankan hisabnya. Melalui titian siratul mustaqim bagaikan kilat yang menyambar. Diberi buku catatan amalannya melalui tangan kanannya di hari kiamat. (Raudhatul Ulama).

4 alamat orang beriman

1. Meninggalkan maki 2. Menjauhi menyakiti hati orang 3. Lekas memberi ampun 4. Lama baru menjatuhkan hukuman

4 tanda orang berakal

1. Cinta pada ilmu 2. Tidak berubah muka menerima umpat dan puji 3. Bagus jawabnya 4. Banyak benarnya

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Cakap Belakang

ini xde kaitan langsung dengan jangan pandang belakang.

kisah 1 ini berlaku dalam mggu lepas. nadiah ke sebuah kedai buku di bdr baru bangi untuk promosi produk terbaru syarikat. kedai buku tersebut memang dah lama nadiah dan keluarga kujungi seawal pembukaannya lagi. salah seorang staf yang senior pada ketika itu ada di situ, lalu
  1. nadiah tanyakan tentang 'person in charge' untuk urusan pengambilan/pemilhan buku untuk dijual.
  2. dengan muka yang x ceria dia menjawab bahawa semua urusan tersebut pengurus yang uruskan.
  3. ditanya pula macammana nak berhubung pengurus,
  4. nadiah diberitahu bahawa pengurus kini berada di luar msia dan business card beliau dah habis. (bercakap sambil buat keja lain tanpa melihat nadiah)
hufffffff dalam hati memang dah berapi2 marah ni. ok cukup untuk hari tu. nadiah kembali ke ofis dengan perasaan yang tak bess.

kisah 2 ini pula berlaku kelmarin. nadiah dan suami ke kedai buku di atas untuk cari Tafsir Rahman. oh dat guy ada. tapi kali ni yang jaga kaunter orang lain. staf yg jaga kaunter ni satu hal.

  1. bila ditanya tentang perkara yang sama di atas,
  2. boleh dia jawab, sape2 je pon boleh.
  3. pastu nadiah tanya lagi, sape2 tu siapa?
  4. dia kembali dengan jawapan yang sama-sape2 je lah.
  5. lalu suami tanya lagi, "akak boleh la"?
  6. tersengih2 jawab, "akak x lehla" memang kene sengal sekali dengan aku!
  7. kemudian dia bgtau staf senior boleh la uruskan benda2 macam tu, termasuk yang baju kuning tu (sambil menunjuk pada 'dat guy')
  8. nadiah mengucap terima kasih (yang x iklas padanya)
Dalam on d way keluar nadiah becerita2 (dengan bersungguh + marah) tentang kisah 1 sambil berjalan menuju lif. tiba-tiba 'dat guy' ada kat belakang. chess.. rasakan nadiah mengutuk belakang2.tanpa rasa bersalah nadiah sambung emo2 lagi dengan suami. tabah betul suami nadiah.

bila pk2 balik, nadiah ni memang suka cakap x puas hati kt belakang-belakang. kadang2 je kat depan tu pon kalo dah berasap sangat. x sempat nak tutup periuk dahhh.

antara lain yang nadiah x boleh lupa daripada 2 kisah di atas adalah :

  1. janganla dok emo sangat cik nadiah oi!
  2. tolong beradab sikit. especially yang membawa imej Islam..lets people feel welcomed. okeh?
if nadiah ada terkasar bahasa, maafkan nadiah. nadiah juga insan yang banyak buat salah (samada sedar atau tanpa disedari)

*untuk entri kali ni tiada gambar. terima kasih*

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kenapa perlu stress

nadiah penat.

kadang2 stress pule

tambah pulak dengan extra emo

memang adunan yang mantap untuk hasilkan bom kat rumah.

yang jadi mangsa adalah suami dan adik2

kesian mereka. tak bersalah

walau harimau sekali pon nadiah di rumah. they are the most precious things in my life. forever.

nobody cannot deny that fact.ok.plis

o Allah, please strengthen my heart with Your hidayah to be a gud servant of You. Amin

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New layout

huh, still got a lot of things to learn!

am i bad in IT...

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tired of being a good rakyat

but then, things aren't gonna change.

i'm sick with those 'pemimpin berjiwa rakyat' playing around with promise and everything just to make sure they get what they want.

aren't we blind????

or stupid??

wake up peopleeee....!

dare to change! no one will start it if we never make a first move

stop being comfortable while others suffer

yerp, i'm totally in d mood of sad, disspointed and definitely 'jiwa memberontak'!

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my wife no mood today.
suppose to go watch PaPaDom but then soo many things got in the way.
go right traffic jam.go left traffic oso.then u turn then wrong way..
haish..its soo hard to keep a positive mind..come to think about it..
Kte hanya boleh merancang.hanya ALLAH yg menentukan
ade hikmah disebalik tiap yg berlaku..

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mari tgk apa aku da bt sepanjang ini.

laaa xleh uplod lg ka?? haih..lemau sey

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i wife n i have this long infectious desease that had really made our credebility questionable.its our incapability to be punctual to any time means being late to any time related agreement.come to class late.come to office for now im supposed to get ready for work at 8.30 n yet im typing this entry!!
i had missed the chance of a lifetime to be on tv3 MHI becouse of this sickness.
btw my wife is still sleeping.....
long time no update.
guess its time to start blogging again.

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mlm Ramadhan ke 28

aku resah

aku gelisah

jiwa meronta

otak serabut

aku keliru

emosi bergolak

tak pasti

tak tau

aku ingin bebas

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bertemu lagi untuk entry hari ini

hari ini 3 april 2009.sabtu.

dalam beberapa minggu yg lalu banyak perkara yg berlaku seperti:

-nadiah masuk kerja 3 minggu yg lalu
-nadiah baru tau semua kerja yg bapak dia buat selama ni
-nadiah bersemangat tinggi untul bekerja
walaupun setakat ni tak penah masuk ofis on time.
-nadiah n laki dia pergi kursus kambing
-nadiah teruja melihat kecomelan kamping yg terlampau

ala dan banyak lagi yg tak terungkap di sini.

nadiah teringin nak kamera.nak capture peristiwa2 seperti di kamera takde.nadiah kecewa.harap2 abang baca post kali ni.

oh sekarang nadiah sedang tunggu laki dia study untuk exam.

nadiah berjanji nak update blog dia selalu.disertai dengan pengetahuan dan info terkini dan sensasi.

nadiah minat tak suka sebarkan.
nadiah minat politik msia busuk.
nadiah minat kambing.kambing wangi sikit lg dr politik msia.
nadiah minat baking cake.tapi bahan selalu x cu
nadiah minat drama ending asik sama
nadiah minat bisnis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ape point di atas pon tak dapat dikenalpasti.

nadiah rancang untuk post akan datang nak cerita pasal kambing.


kawan2 nadiah kebanyakannya dah dapat kerja.A
lhamdulillah gembira nya tak terkata.harap2 kemudian turn nadiah pulak.

masalahnya nadiah takut pergi interview.beberapa kali interview nadiah tak pergi.konon2 darah gemuruh.abang juan slalu bagi smgt pada nadiah.nadiah lega sikit.lepas tu datang balik darah gemuruh-darah gemuruh adalah satu penyakit tatkala diri merasa panik dan berdebar2-simptom2nya adalah jantung berdegup kencang,berdebar,tak lalu makan dan minum serta diri menjadi senyap.

oklah semua pon dah boring saya pon dah boring.

nnt sambung lg.

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i love learning about life. how you improve from one level of life to the other. improve in the sense that even you think your life sucks, you are subconciously putting a par level in your head, a boundary that you need to surpass.a goal you must reach. and with that you are improving. try to make everything go your way again.
but life doesnt always agree with you though. but as a human,u will try to adapt. survive and live in anyway you see fit. im not saying i agree with darwins theory of human evolution im just impressed how human except the reality that confront them.
ALLAH never neglects HIS servant's wishes,HE just replace it with something better.
if you think your life sucks today,wait till you see tomorrow. it may become twice as suck as today but as far as you are concern your life plan doesnt end tomorrow and you never know what is in store for you. work your way up,plan ahead and move one step at a time.

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i am really pissed off!!
a simple concept that cant really get into their thick head.
shallow and unintelligently pitching ideas and throwing jugements into the matter that is far beyond their mind.
man i am really mad am i?
is it really that hard to imagine? to understand? is it because u r not in our shoes? we dun live the same reality? or is it just ur unexplored brain got even smaller.
please think just a little bit deeper and a imagine just a bit longer.

we don live like u do.

we do what our fathers did.

changing is not an option coz we cant afford it.

don jus lay laws and expect we cud follow them like goat.

please support us.

yes,u did it.

nope, we cud not do what u do.

we cant afford it.

please support us.

please rule down PPSMI

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everyone went crazyyy last nite!!

well not everyone at least we were!!
and it was all because of this particular man call the fugitive.rm15000 is enough to get us up on our feet and running. heck i drive like a pro drifter while mrs.juan were screaming every time i went swaying left and right for an empty spot to rev up.we figure out the clue and went straight to dataran merdeka. i thought people were storming this place up but then when we arrived only a few had the same idea that the fugitive was there.
so there , we went asking the 'are you the fugitive?' question to a few people as i think spamming that question wasn't an option since most of the visitors are either a couple or a comittee of the drift show the had in front of Sultan Ismail Federal Building. by the way, the hunt only last couple of hours form the 1st clue that aired at 9.00pm but we arrived when there was only half and hour on the clock.dang! i wish we had more time since there is this one guy i would like to ask but couldn as the time is up.huhu.rm15K just went out the drain. but neither of us are sure the fugi was there.there were some hunter that went all around klcc area asking the same question but turned out blank.for facts, the hunt was each state are solving the same generic clue locally.lucky to those state that got small area to cover.
last 2 nite ago,some 17-year old won rm14,000 cash at the curve. but the clue given was specific as the generics 13-state clue is not applicable yet.he got off easy that was his rezeki. but then our rezeki went out the window.hehe.
good experience though.i even got my wife to participate which was a miracle since she doesnt have much night life.that is it from me.need to shower.chow.

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wut is planning?

n wut r d significant of planning?

do we need to have plans?

if u do have a plan,what if someone ruined it?

as for me. it's much waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy important rather thann killing time watching Big Bang Theory... (abang's favorite's tv series.hehehehhe)

ohhh this problem of screwing up d plans is really make me sick. i despise dis particular habit happened as if i was not a well prepared person.

please take note after dis.before u go to sleep every nite plis make sure that u have tought of what u want to do for tomorrow n d schedule.and please always be able to stick with d plan n dont belok2.

as what we learnt from today and some days ago lesson about lari2 from our plans is not such a good idea.perhaps u will forget someday, n once again, it has always be my job to keep u in mind about the things u forget and vice versa.

'Demi Masa' (courtsey by encik Juan n puan Nadiah meminjamkan gambar hantarannye)

Demi masa!
Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian,
Kecuali orang-orang yang percaya, dan membuat kerja-kerja kebaikan,
dan saling berwasiat pada yang benar, dan saling berwasiat untuk bersabar.

people had always forgotten to appreciate their life especially their time and health.
d quate from book of tuesday with morries :

" the culture that we have does not make people feel great about theirselves"

" there are ways to make we satisfied our live by devote to loving others,devote to your community and urself and devote to creating something that give us purpose and meaning"

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RE-wind nd FOR-ward

currently, not in d gud mood. i dunno why?every thing was not supposed to be accordingly what i want.Haih~~dah la nak off.trying to update d blog soon.

coming up,more pictures n stories.

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Peregi ke Pulau Tioman yey!!

bru sampai


mne lg besar.

ade byk lg gmba tp nape tah xle post.
sket2 yek.
tioman bes.
gi snokerling.rm600 tu.mekaseh bah.
pengalamn yg bes.
lepak ngan wife tepi pantai mlm2 tgk langit yg xde pencemaran chaya. bintang sebijik2 boleh tgk.pak mak napak bintang 7 bute.hehe.
cantik ciptaan Tuhan.
rs dekat diri ngan-NYE.
hidup hari2 tgk jalan.banggunan n kereta.
sesekali tgk alam luas tebentang lapang dada.


dan byk lagi tp mls nk upload.
ms blk.nmpak rainbow yg tersangat pekat. dikala senja yg oren memukau.
ilang penat memandu kt highway.subhanALLAH...

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Rambling of nothing

nothing much happened since my last post (i'm still continuing my job hunting,urgh). in fact, d post for this time is been actually hardly pushed by mr. hubby (awak post la pasal ptd awak tu, boleh share2 ape yg patut kan!).

surely d things that i wanna share as for today is i was having a great time of going through the PTD exam (r u sure?) ok, since i was d first-timer i tought on sharing that moment over here.

d exam began at 9pm for pengetahuan umum paper.d questions mostly covered on sejarah syllabus form 1 to 3 (siapa berminat sila buka buku2 sejarah itu.lebih berkesan buku rujukan). people like me would definetely finished d paper earlier than expected since i just need to tembak2 d answers.some of d questions were like : piala dunia 2010,ciri2 adat temenggong,mahkamah tertinggi dimalaysia,suruhanjaya reid & cobbold, tokoh wanita pertama jadi hakim negara,RMK,NAM,ZOPFAN and much more which i could't remember as i loose some of memory sense since that day-MasyaAllahhhh..all together is 60 questions.

subsequently, had d break only about 5-10 minutes then proceed to d next paper which i could say that was d hardest part for me who has been left d brain unutilise for past few months.Haih~
of forgot to mention name of d exam-esei bahasa melayu n i had chose d topic of penerokaan tanah tinggi dan lereng-lereng bukit.bincangkan punca dan kesan. Sometimes, i got blank and thought of nothing important as well as looking around d hall for guys oOps no lah just looking around ok.oh another topics that had been asked are bioteknologi and jualan langsung which had no idea to rambling of.(i'm sorry could't memorize d full question)

another break for 5min before start with esei bahasa inggeris and i selected d question no 1-security cameras.why we should use it? another topic are biohealth and x ingat!

okeh after that we had took break for lunch and solat. for me, i thought of going back and had my lunch at home so i was waiting for mr. hubby since i asked him to pick up me at 1pm. mind u, i finished my essay at 12.35pm n still mr. hubby was not there yet until 1.45pm. for d sake of being a good wifeY, i just let d evilness inside of me get away. and at last he made it to d place that he should be since 12.30pm at nearly 1.50pm.1st word came out deep inside my heart is Alhamdulillah as i was imagined for bad things (takmo cakap),it is because mr. hubby is hardly being late especially picking me up. later,majok-mintak ampon-masok hall balik.

at this time, i was having a strong headache and perut dh masok angin.Still, it couldn't turned me down to continue d battle (hahahahha). for the next paper is math, and something like IQ test.d questions are simple, yet i didn't manage to complete half of 40 questions.

next, come to the last part of the exam and it was some sort of article based question.i answered d questions hentamly as there had peribahasa,simpulan bahasa which i never heard before.hahhahah contoh: bagai gagak mengongogong telor.

okey done it.

oh ya,at d same day there was makan-makan at my after done with d exam,i was enterteined by my relatives and neighbours and they really lighten up my mood back and heart them so much.

Currently, missing abang badly, he is now at our home,gombak and me at kajang.abang cepat balik ambik nadiahhhhh....Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2222222 mishhing u

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owh now is a tough time for me and aby whom I supposed as a married couple without a job (yes,both of us). i have to go through my life with NO job as well as having a little bit saving left.IF only i have a job......Nadiah, Encik Aby tak suka d 'if' word ok so u must throw away that word from ur mind if possible.Alahai, everyday i had to go through d paper just to find any jobs that suit me and i had even picked up any other jobs that non-related into my field and put in d joblist.Especially-management.but come to think about that,management is p
retty exciting where management people is dealing with humanbeing rather than engineering people who are actually working with machines, theories and not so human stuff.may be some people might think that it's kind of freak u know. yet, personally, engineering is challenging and we love to be challenged..WallaweY,power sioTTTT! d opinion became ironic,kan?

Nah..enjoy some pictures :

and a newly blog learner give up to upload more pictures as i dont know how to move d picture around here.alah kire cin cai la kannn


i would like to share some informations on d chaos politic in our beloved country,malaysia today. it's actually good for people at age like me keep updating on what are happening through alternative media as well as prime media (is it?) so that we r able to get fair and square or in d other words CORRECT informations. Recently, many frogs had been found around perak and some rumours said most of this spesis were spread all around it's going to be fun.lets wait and see what will be happening on coming up next.cheY cam iklan 8TV daaahh

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n a d i a h

hey everyone!i'm nadiah.proudly i want 2 say that dis is my very 1st time writing in dis blog.OMG!!!!i'm a blogger now (plis read it in gedik style.OkeY).the previous 2 posts was from the other halF..oh such a sweet hubby,cause he WILLINGLY create special blog for us.thankS abang!

Hubby n his sweet 'ayya'

Okey,that is my huge-hubby.back to my story.Currently i'm a successful jobless yet a professional housewife.seriously, i bet u it will be d most dream job of most people u know.HuaRRRRRRGGGH.maybe some of u tought dat jobless people are useless..a BIG NO for that tought okeY.For me, i do have my ambitios goals, in fact a LOT of them are in progress.

it had always been for me eager to get a job after finished my study and then get married and live a happy life.Instead, time passed so fast and everything planned had changed 360 degree do i have to REplan all those things as i was not d old lady back in college yet.Now, it's time for me to prepare myself to be a new one with helps from hubby and families.

d word of d day is-ambitious

Always luv u 'aby'
apelah aku dok ngarot2 ni,bang

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ari2 tgk tv

aku nyampah tgk tv1.memang suke kipas bon tol.klu ikotkn nk wat coverage psl isu semasa pon xyah la nk semangat2 smpi tny kt org bgos x tv1 wat coverage.xphm.dorang wat selective coverage.yg pihak2 dorg dorg bg exclusive.yg lg 1 cam sampah je dorang layan.ape ke halnye? sedot bont? bes kot.klu btolla tv1 nk kasi up dier nye rating bg la brite yg x bebelah bg. amek crite dari sume pihak.korg tu pemberite.bgla tau yg btol.jgn la yg btol skit hang bg kipas sampai naek api.yg btol btol hang tiup pakai mulut je kasik asap nek tutup api. ape agaknye tu je kot care dorang nk dapat fund lebeh every year.

tp aku suke cite apekehalnye tv9. org perak nye slang bes la yop.aku suke os.dier kool la.aku suke tv9 yg amek org yg kool2 jd pengacara.walaupon cite tu cam haram sket2 tp aku tgk cite cam tu ade potensi ntuk jd tekenal 1 ari nanti. nta le. bg trator sket la.santai mmg la santai tp kasi kontrol skang da muak da ngan ke'coveran'an yg melampau crite satu bende 1 pihak je. yg btol kasi tau yg salah kasi tau. yg mengadilinye tukang tgk cite le. tu le khoje pembeghite sbenonye.

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hari ini punya post

arini kami jalan2 kt sekitar pusat bandar kuala lumpur.KLCC. juan bli kasot nk wat senam2 kuruskn perut yg cam orang sarat mengandong 9 bulan walaupun bru 7 bulan kami kawin. bunting pelamin? eheh. parking kt depan AM bank kt jalan yap kwan seng.RM4 sekali masok.mahal? tp lg murah dari parking kt dalam klcc yg cam haram rate dier.
Juan bermonolog: aku tgk tmpat parking dier huduh je tp sbb tempat dier strategic-tengah2 kawasan tempat org kerja so parking kt situ pnoh je memanjang. rate dier klu parking dr pg ble ptg sket da rm4. klu aku congkak2 la. ade la dalam 80 bijik kete. klu 80 x rm8.da rm640.sehari.klu sebulan? kire sinri..
tp ape yg aku nk cakap parking kt kl nih cm duit lam poket. xpenah cukup.eheh.da mls nk tulis panjang 1st post.
slamat datang ke blog kami.

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JuaNadiah 2013